Ben Settle – Un email de uno de los mejores copywriters del mundo
Why people who are anti-email never get laid
Once upon a time I heard the great sales trainer & speaker Barry Maher say:
“Your business, marketing consulting, or any other business, is kind of like sex. If you’re not enjoying it, you’re probably not doing it right.”
And it reminds me of all the anti-email naysayers popping up.
Over the last 11+ years since launching “Email Players” especially, I have noticed a gaggle of commonalities amongst many of these email doom ’n gloomers. Commonalities I’d bet green money is why they not only have so many troubles using this wonderful 8th wonder of the world media to sell with… but also why they feel the urge to tell their audiences about why email is dying, spam complaints are choking the life out of their sales, low response rates are rampant, emailing every day is a bad idea, there’s blood in the streets for anyone dumb enough to use email…
Yada yada yada.
Some of these commonalities include:
* They rarely mail their lists or only do it when they have something to launch, which — ironically — is almost certainly resulting in all the spam complaints they get, since their lists never hear from them, and legitimately probably DO think their clever little copy is spam
* They don’t do things to get any kind of engagement, which is very likely because…
* They write boring emails full of lame philosophical lectures or 100% self-serving content nobody cares about
* They treat emails like static sales letters, when emails are not the same animals as sales letters and are anything but static
* They “sell the click” before selling the relationship
* They inject little or none of their own personalities into their emails, and instead sound like a low IQ clone of whatever goo-roo they are mindlessly copying who is also probably copying someone else
* They tend to use lame hacks & tricks to try to “game” people into clicking, engaging, and responding, instead of simply writing emails people want to click, engage with, and respond to
* They worry way too much about so-called open rates
* They fear opt outs & pander to non-buyers instead of would-be buyers
* They spend more time building a social media following & seeking the safe approval of an echo chamber rather than building an email list and writing emails that challenge, rattle the loser trolls & reply guys, naturally polarize, create conflict, make people either like or despise them, etc
* They see email as just a way to make sales for their business and not as an instrument of all-out marketing warfare — with a long term strategy that transcends their broadcasts, auto-responders, and funnels
Those are just a few common “threads” amongst the anti-email brigade.
No wonder they never get figuratively (and probably literally) laid…
None apply the info in the upcoming September Email Players issue either. If they did, I can almost guarantee they’d be sending more emails not less. They’d spend more time writing emails than they do on social media. And they’d be making more sales than they do now.
Such is the irony.
Here’s the link for more info:
https∶//www.EmailPlayers.com »
Ben Settle